Open a project

To open a Writer’s Universe project, click an assignment on the main assignment page. Then click the book icon in the window that opens. Your project's homepage opens in a new browser tab.

A writing project in an assignment is identified by the Writer's Universe rocket pencil icon in the Type column.


An image of the Writer's Universe Materials Assigned dialog box with numbers that correspond to the numbers below the image. Number One is next to the Book icon. Number Two is next to the Project title. Number Three is next to the project type. Number Four is next to the Project Status.
  1. Book icon — Click the book icon to open your Writer’s Universe project. The project opens to the spot where you left off.
  2. Project title — This is the name of the project you’re opening. This is important because you may be assigned more than one project.
  3. Type — The rocket pencil icon lets you know that this is a Writer’s Universe project.
  4. Status — Allows you and your teacher to know if the project hasn’t yet been started, is in progress, or is completed.

Last Updated: June 30, 2022